2025 Pharmacy500 Platinum Pages

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Automated multi-dose blister card packager

Built-in verifi cation reducing pharmacist check

time by up to 70%

Easy, safe, and accurate automated vial fi lling

Automate up to 35% of your daily script volume

Labor-saving automated tablet pouch packaging

Reduce machine downtime and pouch rework

by up to 80%

Effi cient and accurate pouch verifi cation and review

Remote pharmacist verifi cation with

up to 97% auto-pass rate

Customer-Centric Pharmacy Automation

that Drives Effi ciency and Profi tability

JFCRx™ off ers a suite of pharmacy automation solutions with

workfl ow enhancements to maximize production and ROI

(262) 729-9200 | info@jfcrx.com | JFCRx.com

Scan to request your personalized ROI calculation.

Discover how much you can save with multi-dose

blister card automation, adherence pouch packaging

solutions, pouch verifi cation systems, and vial fi lling

for all pharmacy market segments.

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